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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Favorite food

I have eaten a variety of foods through the years but one of my favourite foods has always been yogurt rice.This tasty mixture of yogurt rice with added flavors like a tempering of mustard seeds, hing, green chillies, grated ginger and curry leaves is the ultimate comfort food for me. Add a few sprigs of cilantro and salt to taste and enjoy a delightful simple meal. Small spicy chillies are available sometimes which have a dry spicy stuffing in them.The idea is to fry those chiliies and crush them and add them to the yogurt rice which makes it more tastier.
Eat it with a hot spicy pickle and it takes me back to my childhood days.The next time I make it I will put a picture on the blog.The recipe is very simple so I will share that too so maybe all the yogurt fans can try this simple but extremely delicious meal.


Unknown said...

Hi vivari, i love that rice too. we also add crushed 'sandagi mirachi' to it and it tastes awesome. keep up the good work.

Kedar said...

Nice blog.. I do check it from time to time although it is all about recipes :-( Surely, it does tell me what your husband got to eat or that he did.. get to eat, hehe!

Mahek said...

I love love love yoghurt rice and when i get bored to cook thats the best thing one can make , i have a picture of it on my blog pls have a look...

vivari said...

Hi somik
thanks for the encouragement